Something always has to be the new something else.
Brown is the
new black, comedy is the new rock and roll.
And, now hardware is the new software/web. Lately there have been a rash of articles celebrating this ‘new found’ phenomenon of the made object. Apparently Silicon Valley has just invented product design.
And, now hardware is the new software/web. Lately there have been a rash of articles celebrating this ‘new found’ phenomenon of the made object. Apparently Silicon Valley has just invented product design.
People don’t
adapt things to their use anymore or create ad hoc objects – they Hack (an
excreable term borrowed from software vandals).
It’s no longer cool to share –
we Open Source.
So, is this a new trend, a burgeoning mass movement (there is no such thing as subculture any longer) or is it people talking about it more? By talking I mean blogging or tweeting obviously. How much wittier would Oscar Wilde have been if he had time to compose a lucid 140 character retort rather than resort to those pitiful off-the-cuff ripostes?